Rocket Fuel - Jan 2025

Mars in exact opposition to Pluto is a harsh start to 2025, but the lesson in making difficult decisions and letting go is vital for the coming magic to work.

1st, 2nd, 3rd December: Mars Rx Oppo Pluto, Venus Ingress Pisces

We start the fist few days of 2025 with Mars retrograding back to the 1st degree of heart centred Leo, where the warrior God opposes the Dark Lord himself, Pluto.  Three days of this exact opposition…and it is not a friendly opposition.  It can be traumatic, antagonistic, frightful…and downright hard.  It demands a letting go, a death if you like.  With Pluto’s force for transformation in rebellious Aquarius, and Mars in Leo acting as the decisive sword. This isn’t the slower transformation that Pluto likes to implement. No. Mars’ presence here drops the sword…turns the knife, cuts through layers of Leo themes.

This could mean your big old heart.  It could take a battering here.  It could mean your ego.  It could be another ‘what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger’ lesson.  That lesson could be around your identity and what you may or may not be giving off as your presence, intentionally or otherwise.  Whilst this may feel harsh, if you are ready to break free of something or change your tune, now is the time to act.  Venus enters Pisces on 2nd January, and will be promoting a softer, more loving and even romantic vibe from now on.  So what have you got to lose?

6th January: Mars Retrograde Ingress Cancer

Mars now arrives back in the emotional landscape of Cancer on 6th Jan.  The deeply caring world of empathy for your family, your tribe, your children (and women/mothers).  Mars Retrograde here could wobble your whole security set up, your home…perhaps this has been brewing since Mars came through here before in October, but now we might see some of that cutting action, a decision maybe.  This is the ‘better out than in’ issue.  Do not keep this stuff hidden inside…Mars in this mode will create havoc if you hold on.  It might be just a small stirring, but you do have time… Mars Retrograding through Cancer is a chance to explore your founding emotional set up, the emotional tides and flows that you inherited as a child, or those that you are now setting forth in your own children.  Whatever you find in this exploration will want or need to come out during Mars’s retrograde (until 23rd February) or post retrograde, shadow zone period, which actually doesn’t end until 2nd of May.

11th January: Moon’s Nodes Ingress Virgo/Pisces

The 18 months with North Node in Aries profoundly pressed the button on the war machine, and not so profoundly but still definitely, on toxic masculinity and the manipulation within relationships aka narcissism.  Once a term that only psychologists used rarely, now it seems every Tik Tokker or influencer has a full working knowledge of the personality traits of narcissism and I think we can blame the South Node in Libra as much as the North Node in Aries, because Libra is renowned for manipulating situations to create pleasing harmony and masking unpleasant reality.  Now ‘we’ have learnt these lessons in love, of how to behave, or not, the South Node will be moving into Virgo for 18 months, picking apart our Virgo ruled digestive system and the foods we feed it.  Virgo will want the truth on medical procedures and perhaps demand the data that has been hidden or falsified for so long.  At the same time the North Node in Pisces can open up the bank of collective sorrow and pain, but also provide a focus on oppression.  Pisces always conjures up the creativity that is born with emotional disquiet but actually develops into powerful subliminal forces and a greater focus on art and the mystical realm.  And whilst the South Node is in Virgo looking at health, the North Node can be busy working on expanding the integrity in alternative ways to heal.

13th January: Full Moon @ 23’59 Cancer, Conjunct Mars

You might be erring on the side of caution with whatever deep seated emotions Mars Retrograde in Cancer is digging up for you, but now that Mars has reached back into your history, the Full Moon in Cancer literally detonates any carefully procured ideas or concepts you had been nursing.  Mars Retrograde connecting to the Full Moon is the tsunami let loose on any tides you may have been holding back.  This could cause utter devastation, and tears are likely, but we could try to see this as the airing of deep seated issues that need a fresh perspective with the emotional wisdom inherent in this watery lunation.

18th, 19th January: Venus Conjunct Saturn @ 16’ Pisces

All is not lost.  Beautiful Venus who is concerned with our loving values meets up with serious Saturn, whose restrictive nature will actually steady the ships now at sea.  Venus who will be very bright in the early evening sky for us all to see, aligns beautifully with the slower Saturn here, to ensure there is a safe landing and even enhanced accountability and processing of any old wounds or issues.  Together they want to put things on a better route and have the sense to make everyone happier or at least feel a bit better.

21st January: Sun conjunct Pluto @ 1' Aquarius

Our work is not over yet.  Venus and Saturn have given us the insight to work towards our goals, and now that the Sun is in Aquarius, sitting with Pluto, we are given the power to move on, to pick up the pieces and really transform all of the feelings, thoughts and perhaps complicated situations that have become sensitive trigger points lately.  The combination of the Sun’s vital force with Pluto can of course be quite intense and in that way, disconcerting – do we really have to face this storm.  However, there are so many exciting avenues to pursue and better roads to travel now opening up, we should use their combined force to drive our ambitions and dreams.  Yes, this is a road trip or adventure you can agree to.

23rd, 24th & 28th, 29th January: Mercury’s Opposition, Trine, Conjunctions, Ingress

Mercury, the planet of communication and ideas is active over the next week.  The thinking one, steps onto the Mars Rx opposition on 23rd and perhaps makes light of any situations that is still being experienced, with seriously helpful suggestions and thoughtful words derived from his Capricorn host.  But at the same time Mercury is feeling the buzz of excitement from a trine to Uranus, his higher octave cohort o 24th and therefore these suggestions might appear a little crazy to the uninitiated.  Mercury is of course about to ingress Aquarius on 28th and meet with Pluto on the 29th, to also be conjunct the New Moon, thereby adding vigour and inventiveness to any communication or trippy situations happening across the board, so do take heed of whatever advice any conversations provide.

29th and 30th January: New Moon @ 9’ Aquarius, Uranus Direct

An Aquarius New Moon is the rebel, with all the inventiveness and chutzpah to ring in the changes we were not expecting.  The New Moon is conjunct both Mercury and Pluto, powering up any transmissions, so that in the way of community and society that Aquarius embodies, we are all inspired to take on board this new trend or that wild idea.  Of course Uranus rules this New Moon, and within 24 hours will be turning direct, throwing inspirational lightning bolts to mankind, so that we grasp the issues and wake up to the future that’s panning out in front of our eyes.  This is startlingly confrontational and it is global – something we all see, to be announced, learned or experienced like never before.  No one will escape the turbo thrust into pioneer lands that this rocket of a New Moon delivers.  Strap yourself in for the ride!


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