Mystical Surrender - Feb 2025
This February, the planets are giving us that Irish blessing, “may the wind be at your back and the Sun be on your face…”, as so many beneficial aspects are coming together for a collective elolutionary jump, a surrender to our soul’s true purpose.
1st / 2nd February: Moon Transits Venus, North Node & Neptune @ 28’ Pisces
The beginning of February opens a magical door to our future. Who knows what is on the other side, but the North Node, point of destiny, is in Pisces so therefore this is an energetic door, not a physical, practical, logical doorway where you go to achieve things. BUT. Sitting at this doorway is Neptune, who is softening the edges of our reality, dissolving the current paradigm, so that we can enter through this ‘door’ unencumbered. Neptune’s presence here does take away any personal power or choice we might have in discerning where this leads for us personally (and Mars in retrograde is not giving us any clues). Perhaps we are meant to soften, to surrender to its pull, as this doorway…portal (for it is not physical), magnetises us into a new level of consciousness for the future. Yet the portal to the next level, is a wild unknown, yet also through parts of ourselves that we avoid.
We are not left completely to our own devices. This doorway, or ascension pathway, does have Neptune pulling us through, but Venus, in all her loveliness is here too. She is allowing us all to imagine the incredible possibilities ahead, drawing us out of the places we’ve been shrinking into, that we have perhaps now outgrown, where we find deeper integrity, emotional honesty and heart-centred healing, even romance and money, is to be found. Some may say this is delusion, created by the illusion and discombobulation that Neptune generates, but it is also the spiritual essence of who we are and where the magic happens. An awakening of spiritual codes in the collective here, increases the likelihood of miraculous situations occurring, if we were to allow it. We may or may not create our own illusion with Neptune, but the trick is to step into the vibrational frequency of our desires with Venus, whilst she enhances the sensual qualities, and their loveliness. On top of this, the Moon joins this meeting of the North Node, Venus and Neptune @ 28’ Pisces, bringing more mystical qualities, that are unmistakably karmic, to allow us to tap into the wisdom in our soul’s path. Use this time wisely.
4th February: Venus Ingress Aries & Jupiter Direct @ 11’ Gemini
Venus is of course, in the shadow zone of her upcoming retrograde, and straight after this powerful mystical wave of blessings, she steps into Aries - a shocking change of tune. Her ingress from wishy washy, dreamy and sentimental, to dynamic, action-orientated, force of nature, is palpable. If you have surrendered to the flow in previous days, you now get to ‘do something’, even if that means putting your heart on the line, or your cards on the table, because on the exact same day, Jupiter in the cerebral fields of Gemini, turns direct. This planet always says “yes!”, and therefore any conversations, connections that may have stalled in the daze of recent weeks, are ready to pick up speed again. It feels like everyone has been asleep in a hypnotic haze, and are now waking up to what they have discovered in their dreams and can’t help but tell you all about it. The details might be tedious but the excitement is rising. Prepare to listen well, as a corner or a page, is about to turn, and it will only take a few minor prompts to make miracles happen.
12th February: Full Moon @ 24’ Leo
The heart opening offered by this Leo lunation is a fountain of flirting and / or good feelings that work well with the recent Neptune softening, and willingness to go with the flow. Big passions are on the line and perhaps quite a bit of drama, which isn’t just down to the big Leo love energy that always occurs around Valentine’s day. The Leo Full Moon creates a T-square that demands our attention as the two players: Mercury and Uranus (in an opposition and a square respectively) are demanding we relinquish something of the past and step out, with our heart on our sleeve. The set of aspects around this Leo lunation demand that we express our unique medicine to the world, it has to come out, and at this point, any suppression of our sovereignty will keep us in sick and dis-ease. Steal your lion courage to allow your heart space to come forth, a risky chance to break with same old tradition, that suddenly becomes healing and progressive. The new you!
14th & 18th February: Mercury, then Sun Ingress Pisces
The Moon will still be looming large in the sky when Mercury joins Venus, the North Node, Saturn and Neptune, all in Pisces, emphasising the very watery, enigmatic path ahead. Intense feelings, and even an emotional reckoning are on the cards, although this may not be a bad thing. Romance is well starred if you are in line for that. Either way, we might all want to express some of the sensations arising, because it does feel like we are coming together to experience a collective flourish of ‘good will to all men’. The start of Pisces season on the 18th, will emphasise the deeply sensitive place we have arrived at and easily morphs into one of the evolutionary jumps in consciousness for humanity, where we stop looking outside of ourselves to be saved, and realise it is just us, creating everything. What at time to be alive, moving through this compassionate shift in perspective that is so sorely needed right now.
23rd 24th February: Mars Direct @ 17’ Cancer
As these Pisces planets pull us into consideration of what our soul story is, the potential to get lost in the reverie is huge, yet finally, Mars, the dynamic, striving force, stations direct after a very long retrograde period. Mars is in Cancer where he has been digging deep into the emotional make up of our familial situations and formative emotional set up. This can’t have been easy for some, as nobody wants their past sentiments or ‘mother’ issues brought up for too long, but Mars has been making sure we clear out the emotions basement - since Cancer will hold on to feelings for way longer than is necessary and that stuff needs to go. Mars is the last planet to shift out of retrograde, and starts a very short period of All Planets Direct Motion (APDM) which puts us all in the high speed get away car. Let’s hope we have cleared out any excess baggage and are ready to leave with a clearer, lighter load. Are you ready to walk the talk?
25th February: Mercury Conjunct Saturn @ 20’ Pisces
If leaving, or at least being prepared to start the engine on something you care about, feels overwhelming (which it may), wait a couple of days for the 25th February when thinking planet Mercury joins the more serious Saturn. We need days like this amongst the more mystical, emotional flow this month, as Mercury conjunct Saturn make an ideal combination for signing contracts. Make that call, deliver an important message, place your bets, as you have connections and commitment on our side. Completing any business when Mercury meets a steadying planet like Saturn means you can get your business done more efficiently. Do it now rather than later as Mercury is about to move into a shadow zone of the upcoming retrograde.
28th February: New Moon @ 9’ Pisces
If you haven’t yet felt the growing wave of compassion and connection, the deepening consciousness, the increase in emotional sensitivity, not to mention, love, that is in full flow this month, then here it is. The hit of the New Moon in the watery world of Pisces, could be facing an uncomfortable ‘situationship’ to get your attention and awaken the senses. This is where we surrender our will to God, to spirit, to be in charge of what relationships, situations come and which might go. The letting go of attachments to outcomes with this Pisces lunation, lifts so much weight from our soul’s perspective. Yet there is no mistaking the collective swell of sentiment arising at this point, so we may as well all surrender to this Piscean ocean current taking us to who knows where. The Pisces New Moon puts emotional honesty first, and since Mercury and Venus are about to retrograde through Pisces, there is no resisting this ‘ocean current’ of passionate sentiment. It is time to forgive and forget, to soften our hearts to new possibilities and to deconstruct our emotional walls. The Pisces New Moon is in a trine to the newly direct Mars, helping us commit more consciously to where these processes and their healing abilities will lead to. The progressive shifts in the emotional landscape, the sensitised communion between souls, even spiritual or psychic phenomena, and the boost to creativity, love and money, all caused by the excess of planets in Pisces, is going to continue well beyond this New Moon and Pisces season.